Tuesday, February 27, 2024

10 things you must learn before you enter marriage.


Marriage is a union between two partners. The partners agreed to be together after the love for one another has reached its apex. Sometimes it may be an influence of one partner or both. Mostly, partners may have a reason for getting into marriage which may differ or be the same. In a situation where partners have different goal for the marriage make the marriage a disastrous and others who seem to have the same goal for entering into marriage succeed. Therefore, to choose a best matched partner you must consider the following well researched guidelines.

1. financial compatibility

of financial support. The partners before marriage must identify their financial needs in order to be able to look into the future of the union. Some people marriage because of support that they can get from the other partner while some do not depend on the other for any form.

2. religious status

Some religion and their believes have a great impact on marriage. Religion shapes a life of an individual to extend that one may find it difficult to accept other ways of living. So, before you choose a partner one must look into the religious practices and their whole believe system.

3. tribe difference

Rules and life principles that some tribe upholds have a great influence on their choice of partners. Every tribe is raised from a unique moral background which form their personality. Coming together as a couple, the two partners must agree on their differences.

4. educational status

Education as a means of gathering knowledge, skills and experiences which will make one accept the other of equally educational background. Sometime education brings a great difference among people especially when one acquires more knowledge than the other.

5. employment type

employment as a means of acquiring a worth to support one partner sometimes pose a problem when the type of the employment one chooses does not favor the other partner.

6. age difference

we popularly say that age is just a number, but it matters a lot when it comes to a choice of partner in marriage. Some men prefer young girl whom they are older than in the sense that female grow old fast when they start giving birth, but some also believe that ladies who are old and mature get a lot of experience therefore it does not matter whether the lady is older or not.

7. family background

Family histories play significant role in a choice of spouse. Some people are from a family who have long history of some chronic disease. Some have bad attitude that you may not know until you enter into the marriage before, they will show their real color.

8. ones aim for the marriage

now because of impatience a lot of people regrated marrying their partners. Some people enter into marriage for their selfish gain. A lady may agree to marry a man because of a favor she wants from the man. Some guys to enter into a relationship with a lady just to get support from the lady and achieve their sexual desires other than raising a kid.

9.  personality make up

the look of a person is the first attractive part that brings partners together for the start of the relationship. Outside beauty easily make a lot of people fall in love despite the bad inside character. Some people prefer marrying people with good outside beauty or handsomeness and later regrated marrying them.

10.               One`s previous relationship matters

Past experience in the previous relationship issues teaches a great lesson about the kind of partner that will be best. Some people have gone through a hell in their relationship matters and as such they are too smart to avoid the same mistakes.


Monday, February 26, 2024

Facts about loans and how to survive it.

Easy steps to manage your financial problems.

As you start earning something from your work, life problems also start multiplying as well.

The following are the impacts of loan on human progress...

  • ·        Reductions in one's monthly salary. Loan taking to meet expenses rather than investment can may land one in serious financial difficulties.
·        You may continue taking loan always. Since the salary is not enough you will always borrow money.

·        Inability to save. You May not be able to save anything at all.

    Problems may seem to be more than usual.

·        Inability to meet one's financial needs.

·        Lack of emergency fund. In a situation where you need some urgent money, you may not get it.

·        If care is not taking you may not progress in life.

·        Frustration and confusion. Family pressure may cause a lot of frustration.

·        Loss of respect and dignity. Since you don't have any financial base, you will not be able to live the life your other workers do.

·        Poverty and embarrassment.
In other to avoid the above situations, you must stick to the following guidelines. Even if you misuse your loan or owning a lot of people, there is a hope for you. Just read the following point and your life will never be the same.
·        Write the loan amount and the monthly take home after the loan on paper.

·        Automate the loan payment if you borrowed from individuals.

·        Divide the rest of your salary. Put some percentage aside for saving.

·        Open savings account and activate automotive pay.

·        Open emergency account for some small percentage of the salary.

  • ·        With the rest of the salary, write down all your needs. Arrange them in other of importance.

  •         Buy your stuff according to list you make. Start from the most needs to the least.

  • ·        Make sure you live within the money that left no matter what. To be able to manage the little that you have.

  • ·        Firstly, you must buy all your foodstuff for the month.
  • ·        You must stop buying luxury things.

  • ·         Buy only what you will be using within that month.

  • ·        Stop using unnecessary appliances that consume a lot.

  • ·        Reduce your outing plans

  • ·         Stop competing with others.

  • ·        Be faithful to your family members.

  • ·        Do not promise people to give them money.

Be discipline and consistent in following your lay down rules and regulations.

Taking loan or borrowing money can move you forward if the money is used well.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

How to overcome poverty within a month. Make your own money from the scratch.

As the world population keep on increasing, the unemployment rate increases as well. So is best for one to find means and ways to create his / her own money source. If you are someone with no job and you depend on others, you are at the right place where you will be helped to create your own income manufacturer machine. Please, follow the steps below to create your own business capital.
1.      Firstly, you must draw a business plan. For more details on business plan click  https://quickbooks.intuit.com/global/resurces/starting-a-business/business-plan-template/?
Before you draw a business plan, you must do proper area research to get information about people and as well as to be able to predict the success of the business. Before you start your business plan ask yourself the following questions.
·        Which group of people are you going to deal with?
·         Which work do they do?
·        What is their population?
·        What do other businesses in the area do?
·        Where are you going to buy your business elements  
·        When is the best time to start.
1.      Where can you get money to start your own ventures? Sometimes is better to seek for opportunity than to wait for solution. Nowadays we have a lot of individuals and companies who are ready to assist business minded people to stand on their feet.
·        Firstly, for international assistance click  https://www.great.org.uk.com.  
·         https://www.international.standardbank.com.
·        https://www.forbes.com
·        For small domestic business, you can please with a family member or trusted friend for start-up loans. You can also get loan from network providers. Get easy loan from
·        https://www.workspaceglobal.com/post/how-to-find-funding-for-your-business-in-ghana.
·        https://poultryabc.com/5-easily-accessible-loans-for-farmers-in-ghana.
·        You can also get your start-up money from giving out your properties you don't longer use.
·        It is a risky step but if you put your mind into it, you will make it. I am speaking from experience.
·        You can sell something of yours that you hardly use.
·        Believe me if you fail to take a risk when there is no other choice then you plan to fail.  Just make sure you have your plans ready before taken the money and making sure that the money is used just for the intended purpose.
2.      Start your business.  As your plan and the capital are ready, you are now left with the courage to embark on the risky venture. There are s lot of business that you invest in and make more than 10 times profit. Click here to choose a business that can meet the demands of The people in your place.
CONSIDER  the following when starting your business.
·        Look for your competitor's strength and weakness.
·        You must be loyal and truthful to your customers. This can create strong customer relationship between you and your customers.
·        Create your own brand. Branding ensures uniqueness and easy customers identification.  
·        Treat your customers the way you would like others to treat you.
·        Advertise your business. Creating awareness about your business bring more customers.
·        Organize a promotion if possible. There are lot of promotional strategies for which some are cost effective. Promotion is one of the best strategies which can bring customers from afar.
·        Compare your actual business plan with the expected outcome. Find out whether your business strategies and techniques are working as expected.
·        Seek customers opinion about the business strategies and techniques.
·        Find out from the customers their other needs. Are there any other ventures that can be lucrative.
·        Do proper area research to see if you can open another branch.
·        Keep proper records of the business operations.
·        Set time for assessment and evaluation. Some point in time you must look into the business operations and identify nonperforming factors.
·        Introduce new products to expand your business.
Risk taking is the backbone of a business. Be courageous, persevere, listen to your intent, don't always moved by what others say. Anyone who has a plan to make money will really make it. You don't need to have money before you make money. Even if you have zero balance in your account but still have the will power, you can make it.  Just have a plan and stick to it.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

10 Strategies you must not overlooked to become financially independent.

Life, sometimes it is full of ups and downs . Personal life can be easily  influenced  by some decisions others make that have great impacts on ones achievements. Life turns to be easy for some people whilst others in the same situation give wrong interpretation to life. Human beings are sometime in life have a lot of choices or chances but how to select workable one is tough. Choices become less when one make mistakes with the strategy to make the first choice. We normally face problem when we make wrong choice and at that time, the choices will become less and ineffective. Every problem in life has a solution and the best solution also bow down to the choices you are going to make. The choices that are accidentally suggested may drive you into serious issues. 

If you are someone struggling with financial independence and instability in worth, you are at the right place. Just follow these ten ultimate guidlines to make the best choice for which I am sure would make a great change to your financial plans.

1.Some workers become poor due to lack of proper planning. Success does not come by chance, those that made it accidentally have no experience and proper planning so their financial base has no proper backing. Anyone who earn some money at the end of the day or month no matter how little it is can achieve what other billionaires do. The only secret is one must draw a feasible budget before receiving his /her earns. The budget guide against impose buying and help one prioritize his/her needs.
2.Proper discipline must instilled into the budget. Discipline is a very important part of human life which keep one within his/her targeted zone. With a discipline one can be able to stick to his/her plan. For instance, you can draw a strategic budget which may stop misuse of money but without discipline, you can easily change the budget elements without any serious consideration due to external influences. This means that one can spend his/her money on things that are not needed most at that time. So discipline guide us toward our plans. 
3.Develop plan A and plan B. Sometimes you become  confused when a target is not met. Some plans can fail if they are not feasible enough to be fulfilled.  So to avoid failure and confusion you must have plan B to fall on when plan A is not successful. 
4. Creat multiple bank account for saving and automate bill pay. To be able to have strong financial base, you need serious savings. You need to allocate some percentage of your salary for saving and manage to live within what left. Multiple accounts for different plans help in resource allocation. You can best save money when you make a good choice of what you should buy, where you should buy it and the best time to buy that thing. Sometimes your partners can make you spend outside of the budget. So you must be self rooted and stop telling everyone your plans. 

5.Make proper expenditure plan. To be able to make good saving you need to plan how best you can spend the rest of the money after savings. Assuming you save 70 percent of the your salary and you are left with 30 percent. The best way to spend that is to look into the kind of things you buy, the best places to buy those things at the cheapest prices and the best time to buy them. It is good to draw a scale of preference, that is to write your things to buy in order of importance and stick only to the scale when  buying. For instance, if you have $50 for shopping which you think is not enough to take care of all your things that you plan to buy, you must look for the best places where you can get a quality and low price things to buy and you most buy the most needed things first before the less needed ones.

6. Try to expand your revenue sources to make more money. After some number of months or years of serious savings, you must do proper investment which can generate more revenue for further savings. Making investment is a great development which will go a long way to make study flow of income. Their are so many ways to make extra money if you wish. You can render a lot of services  online and make money nowadays. Some business like buying and selling things, that are mostly used in your area, investing in housing project, collecting susu, setting up a factory, offering home services, setting up a printing press or internet cafe, renting apartment, doing agri-business  and many more.
7. Developing mindset and self principles. Most of the great people were known by their personal principles that they uphold. You can easily achieve your goals if you make a strong personal principles and mindset for yourself. They serve as internal rules and  regulations against any external counter influences which can possibly make you miss your plans. Human principle is what make one receive expected treatment from others. For instance, tuitor with unique principles will be treated according to his/her lay down principles. Self rules and regulations instill self discipline, thus guide one to stick to his/her target.
8.Self assessment and acceptance of external knowledge. Sometimes when the going seem to be tough, strategic data collection and analyzation need to be done to put things right. Experience, they say is a good teacher. Tapping knowledge from the experts help most when preparing to do something new. For example you will hardly be the best producer of a product if you refuse to take experts and customers advices. So to be able to succeed in a business venture, a lot of research need to be done on the venture to be able to take the best steps. For instance, if you want laptop business. You need to gather information about the type of laptop people like buying in that area and where you can get those laptops at a cheapest prices. 
9.Personal record and documentation of ones events. Making a reference to previous achievements bring about standardisation and originality in the output. Proper documentation of ones events guides against mistakes in the near future. For example, the records of previous strategies and techniques which worked best at that time can be built on to make a successful venture.
10. Profitable use of time. No matter how good you plan your life if it is not time bound, your progress can not be measured in times of time. Time play crucial role in every aspect of our daily lives. Time consciousness brings efficiency in ones life. So you  must always guide your plans with time to be able to get your expected result. 

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